According to US 2007 Consumer spending survey, the average household
expenditure for women’s and girl’s clothing amounted to USD749 compared to just
USD435 for men and boys. I guess even in
2012, women still leading in this department, regardless your location. Why do women shop so much? What is our motive?
I listed some of the possibilities :
- De-stress
- Detox (few hours shopping, no time to eat, drink mineral water only, so detox lah kan, no? yes?)
- To drop some weight (yelah, jalan-jalan shopping can burn calory kan..exercise mah..)
- Need to look good to woo your other half or other half to be
- Too much spare time
- Too much money (can you please GIVE – not lend ah, me some??)
Common sense, well, all the above are possible. Tetttt!! Nah, wrong..wrong..wrong! According
to new study from University of Minnessotas Carlson School of Management (if
they tipu, then I tipu also lah ahhh) entitled “Ovulation, Female Competition
and Product Choice : Harmonal Influences on Consumer Behavior” suggested that
ovulating women are far more likely to spend money on sexy clothes than women
at a different point in their monthly cycle.
The implication, according to the researchers, is that the
women DO NOT buy sexy clothes ONLY –
along with the purchases are shoes, cosmetics, health supplements and a world of other products – not to attract men directly, but rather to
edge out their female rivals.
So, the reason why we, women shopped more than man is
because of hormones, plus we are a jealous b*#@h, that thinks no one else should
look better than ourself…walawei, gila!!
Whatever the study suggested, I shop because...
- it makes me feel happy
- the joy it bring, is priceless
- I have nothing to do on my spare time (errr...)
- I want to contribute to the economy growth of my country (and occasionally at some other countries as well)
-Che Lynn
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