Monday, 23 April 2012


Are you feeling like this...


Instead of putting this on, to work....

You're wearing this....

Instead of looking like this....

You end up like this....

Well, that's Monday Blues symptoms y'all!

Nah, here is some tips I've found on How to Survive Mondays....

Wear your best clothes or the cheeriest colour from your wardrobe. You’d be surprise how much your clothes could affect the way you feel about yourself. - tried! it worked hokeh

Early start- bad things happen when you are late, the tension level is high, you are in a rush, you don’t have time for breakfast, when you arrive at your office, people are shoving work into your face. It may seem like a punishment to wake up earlier on Monday but trust me, when you have enough time to organize yourself, you’ll feel like you can conquer the day easier. - absolutely true

Treat yourself in the morning – Sit down and eat. - although it’s ok to treat yourself, make sure you eat well.  Have enough to drink too - your malaise could be a sign of dehydration. - so far, my mornings really chaotic, need to manage my time well then

Have a list of why you’re having the blues – you might be surprised that there will be things on the list that you can easily work on to make your Mondays better

Complete as much work possible on Friday – you’ll have less work to worry about on Monday - WHAT??work harder on Friday...?

Have everything laid out the day before – your clothes, files, etc. Saves you a couple of minutes in the morning so that you can concentrate on other, more important things. - Yup, agreed

Listen to happy songs – a tune can affect your mood. Let cheery, happy songs be the soundtrack to your Monday. - yes, its either happy songs or your fav song (even if it's Ombak Rindu), my mood will improve with good songs played

Laugh and smile. Recall happy memories or a good joke. If you can’t think of any, do it anyway (fake it till you make it) Some research is saying that even the thought of laughing raises your endorphin (feel-good hormones) levels and a fake laughter provides similar benefits to a real one.

Affirmative statements – Today is a great day. I will complete my report today. Stick positive messages around your monitor and take them seriously.

Choose to feel happy. If you don’t already know, being happy is a choice, so choose happiness!

This is my favourite - Buy something NEW for Monday – it doesn’t have to be big or expensive – a pen, a sketchbook, fancy post-it stickers (a handbag or two, won't do any harm kan....)

I will try it next Monday, wish me luck peeps.
-Che Lynn

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