Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Long distance relationship

My sister is currently based in Miri on special task. Since she is one of my closest friend (like I have many lah kan..), her presence in my life on daily basis is very much needed.

I only had long distance relationship once, when my boyfriend now husband was transferred to Kuantan, it was a long long time a go when handphone was a luxury and at a size of my shoe box. LOL. So our alternative apart from land phone was letter! muahahahaaaa i still keep it until today.

Back to my sister, with the technology advancement today, fortunately we do not have to write letters and risk to be laughed at by our children who one fine day might have the opportunity to find it and read it la kan. (Alamak, this reminds me that I need to do something my love letters.). This is what me and my sister do, almost everyday...

Until she comes back then we can plan our next SHOPPING trip.

-Che Lynn

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