Tuesday, 27 March 2012


I love weddings especially if it involved Ar Rahman family, it's always a fun occassion.  For the past 6 months, we had 3 weddings in our family.

Chok Man & Dila

Sila jangan gerun, this is the normal Ar Rahman's group photos...

Inilah rupa dan kelakuan yang sepatutnya ketika bergambar...malangnya, kebiasaan kalau Ar Rahman bergambar ianya akan jadi begini.....
BTW, let me introduced you to the ladies of Ar Rahman (time ni semua control cun, including me hehehe)

The second wedding, Acher dan Ayu

photos mmg banyak sebab Ar Rahman mmg giler posing ala ala supermodel, unfortunately photographer in charge tak sempat nak upload gambar.

Then comes another wedding...Suraya & Nizam

the 'incomplete' Ar Rahman's group photo

me, sel & ojie + ibu in the background

On serious note - majlis perkahwinan memang seronok, tapi perkahwinan itu sendiri harus lebih menyeronokkan.  Kedua dua pihak, baik suami atau isteri perlu tahu tanggungjawab masing masing dan mengetahui bahawa tiada manusia yang sempurna.  When both sides wants to make the marriage work, they know their roles and responsibilities, dan acknowledge that no one is perfect, husband and wife should complement each other, insya allah all the hard works semua will be paid. It is no bed of roses, no smooth sailing all the way, I've been through it all in my 16 years (and more to come) marriage.

Anyway, to all the newly wed of Ar Rahman - Kak Long doakan semoga perkahwinan anda berkekalan dan bahagia ke akhir hayat.

Love ya!
Che Lynn

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