Thursday, 17 November 2011

My 1st attempt

Assalamualaikum and aloha peeps!

My orang kampong used to tell me that 'the first impression would last forever', so as my so-called first attempt to be a renowned blogger (eh cewah..terlebeh sudah, ko ingat ko superstar), I want to make my first one a memorable one (hehehehe i trylah ye).  Therefore, i want to make it short (rasa macam tak boleh nak achieve because there are soooo many things in my mindlah right now), sweet and simple.

As I wanted to be known as Che Lynn the Travel Mamma (insyaallah our journey will not only be around travelling-even it is one of my passion), I wanted to dedicate my first entry (betul ke term tu?, almaklum first time) to the man that make my soon-can't wait-next trip to Paris -  affordable, my shopping trips to Jakarta, Bandung or Singapore feels only like a pinch to my pocket..

Paris....tunggu us okeh!!!

The One and Only, Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes.  He also known as Tony Fernandes is a Malaysian entrepreneur that introduced budget airline Air Asia to Malaysian with its famous tagline "Now Everyone Can Fly".  A BIG Thank you to you Sir!. 

Despite some hiccups here and there, I am looking forward for another trip with AIRASIA then I can 'wisely' spend the money that I saved on flight tickets, to an investment plan that is to 'expand' my kasut and handbag collection..ngeh ngeh ngeh....grrrrr

Note to my Chinta aka Mr Husband lah : Bubu cayanggg, please don't get jealous i dedicate this one for TF iye, you and I both know how much i loooovveee shopping, how else can I travel abroad for my retail theraphy and the damage is almost the same as if I follow Che Mah to Langkawi or Wang Kelian. I have to give this one to him, as my deepest appreciation for making travelling soooo affordable now.

As for you out there, please bear with me, as I take you along my journey. Before we end the day, allow me to share a quote also shared to me by my Coach Radin (bukan coach futsal, bolasepak, badminton or squasy ye, he is our Management Coach),

"Where you'll be in 5 years time will depend on the books you read, the people you associate with and the action you taken"

So peeps, I choose to associate with you..only you-  the positive, fun, gempak, stylo, no hal and kelaas ko Maria..kind of people.  I can feel the right vibe here bebeh!!

Until then, adios people! see you tomorrow! xoxo

-Che Lynn

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