This weekend I am like super crazy busy, I have my assignment on going, I have pending office work and with my cousin wedding and all that. Fuh! Still hal rumah nak kena beres. Yang sejuuuk sedikit when my youngest son cakap, Mummy ni super mummy la semua boleh buat, abang adik sayang mummy, adoi sejuk perut achik dengar. His comment buat I nostalgik sikit, buat i teringat our Raya Haji cum family vacation, we really spend a quality time together not just with my immediate family but my extended family as well.
banner? haruuus...tak over bukan we alls la..hehehee
Inilah dia keluarga Ar Rahman (nama diambil sempena nama my grandfather - Hj Abdul Rahman Ismail) we usually called ourselves the Ar Rahman. Dalam gambar ni cuma yang taiko taiko dan anak buah utama je, yg kecik kecik tu sibok nak mandi laut.
We stayed at Sime Darby Tractor bungalows, I think ada dalam 40 of us conquered PD 3 hari 2 malam start dari 5 November sampai 7 November 2011.
Dari test the water
To mandi laut.....
ke games....
Ni acara makan kuih raya, pity Ilhan and Abang Adik...tercekik ada, nak muntah ada....
Birthday party celebration for October babies!
Kambing golek? haruuus wajib tuh...TQ Abang Long
Karaoke? microphone buat hal kitorang ganti dengan acara anyam ketupat aka mengumpats
Time ni la the favourite sentence would start from..."ko tau.....bla..bla..blaa"...."iyeeee???...isykkk...." hmm
The Birthday babies! muka semua dah rentungs
The next day, all of us had a marvelous fun in the sun (which includes us, the kertu ones)
Banana boat rides woohoooooo!!!
Me, along with my cousins - SNIF and Pretty terpaksa diturunkan dahulu, sebelum boat pelampung diterbalikkan atas alasan keselamatan..(hurmm Pretty OKlah, budak, yang kami berdua tu...apa cerrr?? mak terasa!)
This is the living proof of the say that "Cousins are your very first friends.... They are like childhood friends. Nobody will understand the craziness of your family better than your cousins. Even if you don't get to meet them often.... "
mana geng nihhh???
ala diorang main buai pulak.....
Last sekali, gini la ghupenya budak budak ni (mak bapak budak pon...) orang putih kata picture paint a thousand words...ha gini lerrr perasaannya at the end of the day
Yang pastinya, trip kali ni seperti sebelum sebelumnya...mmg best!
-Che Lynn
Salam kak. Saya tgk gambar akak dgn family ni cam best je. Akak stay kat sime darby tractor bungalows ni camne proses dia eh? Misal kata saya nk stay for 2 or 3 day, dgn siapa saya perlu contact?