Thursday, 1 December 2011


My Hatta Isyhad Razin was born on 29 October 2004, it was on Friday night of Ramadhan (both my boys born on Friday). The experience may be different, but the joy of having him in my arms for the first time – only one word to describe it - priceless!! – just the same feeling when I first held his brother!!
Isyhad and daddy!
Isyhad and Isyraq


I remember posting this on 18 September 2007, how time flies really fast! My Isyraq has turned 14 this year!


I have my first boy on 3 October 1997, I was 22 then. It really was unexpected day, it was Friday and I went to the hospital for a normal check up. Me and my hubby just get back from Melaka and Alor Star (yeah I know.. I know.. its like coming from kl heading south, passing back KL and went up north). I was tired, there was no pain. Suddenly, the doctor told us that he has to admit me. And I was like - are you sure ah!! so I told him " hmmm dr, can I come back next week monday, I really have to go to office today". He told me off. "I don't think so, insyaallah you will give birth this afternoon" Hah!! no painlah dr, how to give birth, are you sure not. But then, he's a doctor, of course he is sure. As you wish dr.... but before that I go makan-makan with my husband, hello!! I'm a pregnant lady, I need feed me please.I called everybody, my mom, my late grandmother... wow!! talking about being emotional. My nenek kampong (that's what I called my maternal grandmother) really emo lah that time. I checked in - still no pain. hmmm I was thinking like why is everyone I know tell me that the pain will be so excruciating, unbearable..... Why ??? eh no painlah. Hmmm I wonder. Am I the selected few, can give birth without pain... wah syokla like that, give birth twice a year also no problem. But then I speak so soon.... but still ok, not so bad, its like having a bad dirherea.My mom came straight from her workplace, I don't understand why, giving birth is so no big deal (daa!!) She can come after I give birth what, why hurry. I pity her at that time, rushing to see me, she must have better things but she leave it all just to be with ME.I can see that my mother doesn't know what to do (well it's her first grand child), she try to get me into 'conversation' (well more that gossiping, actually). While we busy gossiping, Alamak... suddenly sakitlah. It start slowly, injected extra dose of pain each time. I went in labour room at 1.00 pm, they leave me alone, I am so bored, nothing to do then I try to get some sleep. I'm really in pain at 3.30 pm fuhh, talking about pain, I yell at my husband to call the nurse in, I can feel the baby coming out. But they asked me to wait, its your first baby, they said, it won't come out so soon. Yeah sure!! I gave birth to my bundle of joy at 4:16 pm. That is how I get my Hatta Isyraq Amir, all 3.45 kg of him. Its worth of all the pain!! I will definately go back, no second spare, no second thought, to go through all that beautiful experience again. p/s - Oh yeah I was on the phone with my office mate checking on my work when dr give his 'final touch'. I don't give a damn, you dolah as you please, jahit sembat ke, you want to put sequin ke, lantaklah

Isyraq and Daddy!

Monday, 21 November 2011


Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahera!

Its a good day for Malaysian, woohoo we won gold in SEA Games Football match against Indonesia.  It was good game, congratulation Harimau Muda (or was it Harimau Malaya?? hmm) anyway, you guys rock the night lah.

I am not really a football fan, but I am living in a household full of footballers, mind you even my 7 year old is a football fanatic.

Isyraq at a tournament

My children at a Liverpool match. You see the 'little man' there, he is 7 years old and he got an invitation for a football match in Penang this December.  I really hope that the referee won't throw me out from the field (again...?)

My husband football team

Do i need to say more...

I am quite suprised over the reaction shown by Indonesian supporters last night, come on la guys, a game is a game is a game. What left is your pride, you have lost, so? The least thing you could do is to take it like a real gentlemen.  Unfortunately, I did not see that last night.  The Bung Karno stadium was empty by award ceremony time.  What is that? Don't you want to show your support to your players who has given their all in the name of their country?

I have been to Indonesia so many times, not for football match but for shopping spree of course.  This is not the Indonesian that I come to know.  Believe it or not, I feel safe while doing my retail theraphy alone at Tanah Abang. 

Well, yeah they will tease me a bit, me being Malaysian and all.  They would usually asked me things like, "Upin Ipin apa khabar?" "Kirim salam sama Upin dan Ipin ya buk..." "oohh orang Meleysie ye.." Other then that, they are a good sport.

Me, at 9.00 am in front of Tanah Abang Mall main entrance, all out for a serious business.

Can you spot the crazy look on my face? This is only my hasil tangkapan on Day 1

My Chinta wanted to try Sate Kambing on the side of the walkway..after all he been through for me, with the waiting and all, I say what the heck...

Tell me you won't go crazy looking at the multiple this.

I know the fact that my friends went super crazy in our Jakarta All Girl Shopping trip last year, this is the proof :

 Dee, with her one of the many many kebayas.....

This is the only thing she could think of for a pose...hehehe what a day!

ladies went craaaaazy!

Dekat Monas pun sempat shopping

Post mortem on damage done

I save this for last, who could have the faintest idea that we gonna do this, not in KL for sure...hehehehe

Naik tongkang at Ancol

So you get what I mean, in short, the Indonesian are a warm, compassionate, kind and sweetest sweetest lot. My conclusion for their reaction last night is when you get so emotional, you're not being rational any more.

Anyway, my Indonesian friend, I shall not give up! I will see you guys in my next Bandung trip!!


-Che Lynn


Assalamualaikum & Good Day Mate!

This weekend I am like super crazy busy, I have my assignment on going, I have pending office work and with my cousin wedding and all that. Fuh! Still hal rumah nak kena beres. Yang sejuuuk sedikit when my youngest son cakap, Mummy ni super mummy la semua boleh buat, abang adik sayang mummy, adoi sejuk perut achik dengar.  His comment buat I nostalgik sikit, buat i teringat our Raya Haji cum family vacation, we really spend a quality time together not just with my immediate family but my extended family as well.

banner? haruuus...tak over bukan we alls la..hehehee
Inilah dia keluarga Ar Rahman (nama diambil sempena nama my grandfather - Hj Abdul Rahman Ismail) we usually called ourselves the Ar Rahman.  Dalam gambar ni cuma yang taiko taiko dan anak buah utama je, yg kecik kecik tu sibok nak mandi laut.

We stayed at Sime Darby Tractor bungalows, I think ada dalam 40 of us conquered PD 3 hari 2 malam start dari 5 November sampai 7 November 2011.


Dari test the water

To mandi laut.....

ke games....

Ni acara makan kuih raya, pity Ilhan and Abang Adik...tercekik ada, nak muntah ada....

Birthday party celebration for October babies!

Kambing golek? haruuus wajib tuh...TQ Abang Long

Karaoke? microphone buat hal kitorang ganti dengan acara anyam ketupat aka mengumpats

Time ni la the favourite sentence would start from..."ko tau.....bla..bla..blaa"...."iyeeee???...isykkk...." hmm

The Birthday babies! muka semua dah rentungs

The next day, all of us had a marvelous fun in the sun (which includes us, the kertu ones)

Banana boat rides woohoooooo!!!

Me, along with my cousins - SNIF and Pretty terpaksa diturunkan dahulu, sebelum boat pelampung diterbalikkan atas alasan keselamatan..(hurmm Pretty OKlah, budak, yang kami berdua tu...apa cerrr?? mak terasa!)
This is the living proof of the say that "Cousins are your very first friends.... They are like childhood friends. Nobody will understand the craziness of your family better than your cousins. Even if you don't get to meet them often.... "

mana geng nihhh???

ala diorang main buai pulak.....

Last sekali, gini la ghupenya budak budak ni (mak bapak budak pon...) orang putih kata picture paint a thousand words...ha gini lerrr perasaannya at the end of the day

Yang pastinya, trip kali ni seperti sebelum sebelumnya...mmg best!

-Che Lynn

Thursday, 17 November 2011


Assalamualaikum and Cheerioooo peeps!

OMG its Friday already, time flies really really fast lah...Anyway, nak share with you all on an event I was invited to.  Its the Fashion Valet 1st Birthday Bash, perghhh gempak.  It was held in Publika, Solaris on Wed 16 November 2011 (mintak maaf, 1st time mak sampai sana nyah! jakun sekejap, maklum route standard rumah-office-rumah kannnn)

Decoration was nicely done, good ambiance, superb crowd, generally well organised eventlah.  Few to comment, nothing majorlah like seating arrangement, usherette or committee mingling with guest : well for a 'season' event organiser (booo hooo its birthday parties anak, suami, adik, all those kenduris, company events bla bla bla) I know how hectic, chaotic and crazy it can become lah...anyway 2 thumbs up to Fashion Valet & team!!!.  Oh lupa, I was there actually to bagi my support to my lovely sista, Hashella, she and her partner in crime, Marni are the proud owner of Marshella Adornment

Inilah dia proud owner of Marshella Adornment yang vass tu...

Woot woot!! nampak tak long pearl tu? ha Marshella design lah tu...oooo and the Toga Dress, alamakk canteeekkk!!!

So to show my sisterly love and support, I tinggalkan my anak-anak at home, tinggalkan kejap my MBA thesis (adoi dateline nak dekat nih), kerja-kerja yang super urgent in office and attend Fashion Valet event.

Is it worth it? well its worth every second, minutes and penny! The event and crowd GEMPAKKK!!!

Nah..... tengok sendiri kehebatannya heheheheheheeee. Me, the Owner of Marshella with the georgeous Gabriella Robinson.

Ada cotton candy....(makan x hengat pastu sugar rush..dah susah nak tidor...aduyai!)

Us with the famous vogue the vass Red Mummy - my long lost kawan, TQ Fashion Valet for reunite us.

Okie dokie peeps, until next time..

signing off
- Che Lynn

My 1st attempt

Assalamualaikum and aloha peeps!

My orang kampong used to tell me that 'the first impression would last forever', so as my so-called first attempt to be a renowned blogger (eh cewah..terlebeh sudah, ko ingat ko superstar), I want to make my first one a memorable one (hehehehe i trylah ye).  Therefore, i want to make it short (rasa macam tak boleh nak achieve because there are soooo many things in my mindlah right now), sweet and simple.

As I wanted to be known as Che Lynn the Travel Mamma (insyaallah our journey will not only be around travelling-even it is one of my passion), I wanted to dedicate my first entry (betul ke term tu?, almaklum first time) to the man that make my soon-can't wait-next trip to Paris -  affordable, my shopping trips to Jakarta, Bandung or Singapore feels only like a pinch to my pocket..

Paris....tunggu us okeh!!!

The One and Only, Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes.  He also known as Tony Fernandes is a Malaysian entrepreneur that introduced budget airline Air Asia to Malaysian with its famous tagline "Now Everyone Can Fly".  A BIG Thank you to you Sir!. 

Despite some hiccups here and there, I am looking forward for another trip with AIRASIA then I can 'wisely' spend the money that I saved on flight tickets, to an investment plan that is to 'expand' my kasut and handbag collection..ngeh ngeh ngeh....grrrrr

Note to my Chinta aka Mr Husband lah : Bubu cayanggg, please don't get jealous i dedicate this one for TF iye, you and I both know how much i loooovveee shopping, how else can I travel abroad for my retail theraphy and the damage is almost the same as if I follow Che Mah to Langkawi or Wang Kelian. I have to give this one to him, as my deepest appreciation for making travelling soooo affordable now.

As for you out there, please bear with me, as I take you along my journey. Before we end the day, allow me to share a quote also shared to me by my Coach Radin (bukan coach futsal, bolasepak, badminton or squasy ye, he is our Management Coach),

"Where you'll be in 5 years time will depend on the books you read, the people you associate with and the action you taken"

So peeps, I choose to associate with you..only you-  the positive, fun, gempak, stylo, no hal and kelaas ko Maria..kind of people.  I can feel the right vibe here bebeh!!

Until then, adios people! see you tomorrow! xoxo

-Che Lynn