Monday, 26 August 2013

Yummm Mehh Salted Egg Crab

Its my 1st day puasa 6, so after almost 2 weeks makan like there is no tomorrow, today tend to be quiet trying lah.

Dalam kepala dah ada schedule on what to eat, where and when.. Memang melampau, memandangkan yang I am not a big eater and to have all these stuffs in my head, purely nafsu.  So today after baca the latest update on Arluna, by the way you can read it yourself dekat, which ada touch sikit pasal Salted Egg Crab. Then things sudah jadi out of hand.

Its passed lunch time, I am hungry and tetiba ada cerita pasal Salted Egg Crab yang baru kita makan for buka puasa bulan ramadhan kelmarin dekat Pak Ya Chinese Muslim Restaurant and rasa dia masih lagi terngiang ngiang dekat anak tekak.  As usual, the only thing that we can do now is google the recipe.  So googling is what I did la.

Rasanya tak lah susah sangat kot, this weekend nak try buat lah.

I kg crabs
1 cup tapioca flour
Oil for deep frying
3 salted egg yolks
5 birds eye chilllies, chopped
2 stalks curry leaves
3 tbsp butter
1/2 tbsp salt or to taste
1/2 tbsp pepper
1 1/2 - 2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp evaporated milk

Clean the crabs, remove the pincers and trim the legs. Cut into 4 pieces
Steam salted egg yolks for 3 - 4 minutes, remove and use a fork to break up the egg yolks
Toss crab pieces in tapioca flour, deep fry in hot oil until golden in colour, remove and leave aside
Melt butter in a wok, saute curry leaves and bird eye chillies until aromatic, add salted egg yolds, keep stirring until egg yolks are incorporated into the butter sauce
Add pepper, salt, sugar, evaporated milk then stir in pre-fried crabs, stir fry briskly to mix, dish out and serve immediately

Like, sooo senang....

See if its jadi like this or not

If not then, we need to rush to Pak Ya then, or better still to Pasir Penambang.

Arghhhhh Salted Egg Crab, why are you doing this to me..why????

-Che Lynn

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