Friday, 9 November 2012


It is a busy week and i guess it will be the same next week also.  So, it looks like i have to cancel my annual leave (again) next Wednesday. Takpelah, we're not going out from KL pun, it just that I want to lepak lepak at home, relax, do some reading and catch up with my tidur.

I don't know why, but out of sudden teringat Jakarta, how I wish I am at Jakarta now.  When I think back, I can somehow relate the significant of my thinking of Jakarta with my current state, you see, ladies when they stress out all they can think of is SHOPPING, so I am thinking of Jakarta right now, which can be translated that I am a stressful woman which is in need of shopping to release her stress. Boleh? And why Jakarta out of all the cities - dah itu saja yang mampu :p

So how? shall we plan our jalan jalan? hmmm.....

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