Sunday, 30 September 2012


My latest venture : Party By Che Lynn, you can view it at partybycl.blogspot too. Party or event planning is something that is very special to me, I usually did it for family or volunteer to organise it for the organisation I work for.  Then it start click in my mind, why not offer it to others who would want to have my services.  What's different with Party by Che Lynn is that I do it with passion.

This is our basic package for your kids birthday.  The package consists of :
  • 30 Birthday Party Invitations 
  • Candy Buffet for 50 pax 
  • 3D Birthday Cake and candles
  • 30 Party Packs with personalized tag 
  • Personalized Banner 
  • Set Up and Delivery (Klang Valley Only)

Package price are from RM1,800.00 per birthday event.
Mode of payment : 50% deposit upon confirmation and balance on event date.

We can work on theme for this package, it can be cartoon character for example Dora the Explorer, Barbie which is popular with the girls, or Transformer, Cars, Naruto for the boys and among the popular Malaysia's cartoon character like Upin & Ipin, Boboiboy.

Some of the samples are :

Birthday Invitation Card

Candy Buffet

3D Birthday Cake

Party Pack

Mommies & Daddies, you can just sit back and relax, have fun with your loved ones. Let us help you with your party.

For enquiry, please email to

Friday, 28 September 2012

6 Morning Tricks for Instant Energy

Just want to share this vely jelly good article :

6 Morning Tricks for Instant Energy
By Liz Vaccariello

1. Pound protein
Protein helps persuade your brain and stomach that they’re well nourished and satisfied; skimp on it and your hunger might lead you right to a bag of potato chips. In a recent study, volunteers whose daily protein consumption fell below 15 percent of their total calories were far hungrier after breakfast and ate more snacks throughout the day than those whose protein levels exceeded that amount. The extra nibbling put them on track to gain more than two pounds a month had they kept it up. Hard-boiled eggs and Greek yogurt are great protein-packed breakfast options.

2. Kick off your day with chocolate
Yep, you read that right. A square of dark chocolate has just the right amount of theobromine (a cousin to caffeine) to wake you up but not enough to cause a crash later, says chronic-fatigue specialist Jacob Teitelbaum, MD. It’s also chock-full of antioxidants, may decrease heart attack risk, lifts mood—and tastes delicious. Try it as a midmorning snack!

3. Go ahead—drink more coffee
When was the last time you heard a doctor use the word miracle? There’s no need to give up coffee or feel guilty about drinking it to jump-start your day. Big, important recent studies have linked coffee to tremendous health benefits, including lowering skin cancer risk by 20 percent, stroke by 25 percent, and dying from prostate cancer by 60 percent. Drink it black or with a little skim milk to minimize calories.
4. Rise and shine early
Being a night owl may be bad for your waistline, says sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD. People who stay up late and sleep late—specifically, they get more than half their sleep after 5:30 a.m.—also tend to eat more fast food and consume more of their calories after 8 p.m. than do normal sleepers. In one study, the more that subjects ate after 8 p.m., the higher their body-mass index, even after controlling for other factors. One of the easiest things you can do to improve your weight loss is go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, preferably on the early side.

5. Eat something crunchy
They make your jaw work hard, which can wake up your facial muscles, helping you feel more alert. Munch on an apple with breakfast for an energizing dose of extra fiber.
6. Make the bed
First, this will thwart the temptation to crawl back into it and press snooze. But here’s a little bonus you haven’t thought of: Shaking out the sheets gets your arms moving above your heart, boosting your heart rate and invigorating your body.

Yes! I will do all the above as I need more energy!! more!! more!!

If you're wondering what's with the bantal on my head, we main main pretend that I am a raindeer, rusa lah..This is what happen when you ate too many chocolate

Thursday, 27 September 2012


Hadoi, I have to work on my chapter 5 again..material tak cukup, need to get some more books, good books. So I went to Popular book store, no luck lah to get my material for thesis, but I got myself this instead...

Apalah nak jadi ini perempuan...sekarang ni tgh season baca novel melayu, especially bila ada tv series yang berlakon tu pulak Aaron Aziz

Adam Mukhriz in his uniform (errr sorry, I got carried away)

The other day pulak, instead of focusing on my thesis, I terbaca (ter??).  I have a good reason for my terbaca, I was hospitalised erlier kan, so this is kind of a treat to myself la kan..

Haiyoooo nanges!!! the book is so tebal hokeh, 3/4  of the book tu I nanges sedihhhhhh huarghhhh sampai pkl 3 pagi dok kesat kesat mata dgn tisu. This book I actually bought in KL Book Fair this year, reason beli sebab nampak ramai sangat orang beli buku ini, each person grab sampai 3 - 4, so I thought this book must be really good la kan sebab ramai orang beli and kirim beli, and my guess is right, buku ni best, plot cerita dia bagus, I think this is the only book that can make me cry non stop.

Anyway, went to Kinokuniya in KLCC yesterday, since my memory ram dah agak kurang, terpaksa ambil gambar parking, just to make sure I have my lot no and floor right, almaklum umur dah banyak.

OMG!! all those books in Kinokuniya..!! drooolinggg....I don't know where to start la..OK OK breath in breath out...focus kakak focus, you are here to find a book on online marketing, not another novel, eh wait..Jude Deveraux, Stranger in the moonlight, ni tak de lagi ni..nak kene beli, eh yang Holly ni pon I tak de lagi ni...when I starts this kind of conversation with myself, there is only 1 thing to do....


Buku online marketing bukannya 1 - 2 ringgit, sampai 300 hengget tau tak! to use credit card is totally out of the question.

Anyway, I have a confession to make..

My name is Che Lynn, I am a bookaholic and I LOVE Kinokuniya, MPH, Borders...I I really hope they would love me too and give me a lifetime VVIP cards and good discounts

Oh, I've got Adam dan Hawa for my sister too, will courier it to her ASAP, mesti dia tak sabar nak baca ni. You wait ahh sista!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Ke mana kita mau jalan hujung tahun ini?

Ooooo saya sangat suka berjalan jalan bersama keluarga terchenta, tak kisahlah jauh ke dekat ke tapi yang semestinya destinasi pilihan adalah samada laut ataupun theme park tetapi semestinya mempunyai tarikan untuk berbelanja (ini adalah khusus untuk emaknya iaitu SAYA).

Tahun ini sudah ada request untuk ke USS (lagi??), rasanya macam baru saja pergi kan..tapi ada budak kecik tu request sempena birthday dia yang ke 8 bulan Oktober ini.

Abang dia yang nak PMR tahun ni pun senyum lebar je bila bagitau nak turun Singapore lagi lepas dia habis periksa ni..

Ada juga request untuk ke Menara KL

Sebab katanya "Eiffel Tower kita dah pergi mummy, tapi Menara KL kita tak pernah pergi"...ha amek kau!

Tapi rasa macam nak bawak diorang pergi Jakarta juga tahun ni, asyik mak dia saja yang pergi kan..sambil sambil tu ehem..ehem..bolehla mak dia pergi melawat kawasan untuk belanjer buk..belanjerrr...sopping ahhh apa lagi!!

Tiba tiba teringat pula kenangan terindah dekat Airport Sukarno Hatta..

Gambar ni di ambil sejurus sebelum kene marah dengan pegawai imigresen Indonesia, sebab musababnya adalah MANA BOLEH AMIK GAMBAR KAT IMIGRESEN KAUNTER DOL!! yang ko tergedik gedik  nak amik gambar jugak kat situ nape bedahh?? Alamak! boleh lupa pulak...!! heheheee

Tengoklah macam mana, insya allah kalau ada rejeki, kita jalan jalan la naik belon. Kalau tak pun kita jalan jalan KLCC pon ok gak

Janji kita boleh berjimba bersama sama

....dan boleh berposing gedik heheheee

Kalau ada yg tanya, banyak sgt ke duitnya kak oiii, jawabnya adalah...tak lah banyak senah oii, kumpul la, lagipun pengalaman berjalan ni especially nengok negara orang buat kita lebih menghargai apa yg kita ada baik dari segi keamanan ke, kesenangan kita dkt  M'sia ni ke, yg semua boleh dikatakan ada lah... dan kadang2 buat kita ni bukak mata skit yg orang putih tu tak le sehebat mana punnn. Semua tu bila dah tgk sendiri baru la kita tahu

Okie later2 peeps, nak buat budget nih...

-Che Lynn

Friday, 14 September 2012

mama dino updates away fm home

Hola, I am still in the hospital. Gosh never been soooo bored like this in my ENTIRE life and you might just how long kannnnn...If you notice this entry would also be in one para which also mean hat i am typing f  m my a tablet.  Do ntto know how bored I am? I take few elevator rides...was thinking to check on those cute babies at nursery but then realised that they mightcatching mybugs, we don't want those cute little buchuk buchuk babies to fallsick aren't we...I don't haveanythig else to read...I even get myself to learn how to make my own scented candle. hahaha. I'll update some photos at this entry later once I am home (maknanya x reti buat dari tab, ingat kata kunci..DINO..). Later later

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Another day another journey

Haluuuuuu salam dari hospital. Malam malam sensorang pulak tu kat spital, mula la tangan gaaata l jer nak mengupdate entrykan. Tetambah lagi En somi kata huarrrggghh nanti ada yg intai kat tingkap. Ni ada yg nak kene campak kuar tingkap ni kan... Biasanya jadi penjaga pesakit ni terbalik, jadi pesakit..sensorang pulak tum. Tahap kesihatan? OKlah pagi tadi sempat pg office, attend meeting, jadi judge pertandingan hias jabatan, hantar thesis kat college (yay!!!!) baru serahkan diri ke hospital. Pagi tadi En somi x bagi bwk kereta, dia nak hantar ke office dan nak hantar ke hospital. Barang barang semua mlm tadi d kemas letak dlm kereta je, standby kalau kene admit. Condition sekarang..batuk mcm nak terkeluar anak tekak, muntah dah x de, slight fever la td dlm 38 baru ni dah turun ke 37.1. Well I am in good hands now, hopefully things get better tomorrow. Tak tahan ada abdomen pain ni akibat batuk lamakan. Tak pe sabarla, ni semua dugaan hidup. My parents came to visit bringing my little gundut, and he being so sweet brought me a glass of air suam....heheheeee comeinya ko nak ooiii..geget kang. Abang dia pulak datang lepas balik tuition, siannn dia pon batuk2, ni yg risau ni mummy dia xde rumah nanti ni..Kalau nak tanya kenapa semuanya satu perenggan jer, sebabnyer adalah ......enter button tablet ni x function la (ataupon super dinasaur nix reti nak buat) sighh. Anyway, tlg doakan supaya saya cepat sihat ye. TQ alls!!lots lots love - Che Lynn

Sunday, 9 September 2012


issykk memang tak best lah nak update entry kalau badan tak sedap..tapi tulah tangan tu gatal jer nak mengupdate. Moral of the story, jaga kesihatan, bila dah tak sihat 2-3 minggu mcm I ni, batuk macam nak rak ni, sesen pon tak berguna..sesen pon tak berguna..sesen pon tak bergunaaaaaaa (echo effect mcm dlm gua).

Ni tadi, sedang sedang buat kerja, ternampak kat facebook bende ni, dah share kat fb, nak share gak dekat sini. Sebabnya, parent selalu bebel pasal bab minom air ni..pagi pagi bangun je tido, minom air suam, elok untuk kesihatan, selawat pastu minom..Ni bila orang jepun dah cibut cibut buat, barulah nak ikot kan...(DEGIL ni tajuk utamanya). So, ingat, bangun pagi minom air suam, jgn degil. Baca nih :

"It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning.

Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers.

For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: 

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders,
ear nose and throat diseases."

So, don't take your health for granted hokeh. Sila minum air suam pagi pagi.

see ya
- Che Lynn

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Che Lynn - The Chipettes

Dah berapa tak hari post entry, almaklum demamsss, batuukkksss, selsema, sakit sakit badaann hadoi hadoi hadoiii.

Semalam my condition getting worst, batuk tak henti henti, suara pon dah bertukar jadi ala ala suara The Chipettes, isssykkk I bukan mencarut la, tak kenal ke The Chipettes, chipmunk perempuan tu leeee...

Run the the worldddd run the worlddd... nyanyi chorus lagu Beyonce sambil gedik gedik joget

Malam tadi jugak, pegi balik ke klinik. Mmg tepok dahi la dr tu, macamana nak baik adik kalau you makan ubat 1 kali sehari je..(adik la sangat kan...)
Alah dr, ubat you bagi mengantuk, camne nak makan ikut timing, I kerja...

So hari ni..mmg kene la gamaknya kene makan ubat sambil menjalankan tanggungjawab penuh berdedikasi

Dr sudah kasi tambah dose ubat, makan tetap kene makan, kileje tetap kene kileje..pagi tadi lepas breakfast amik antibiotik dgn ubat kahak, ubat batuk lepas habis meeting pkl 11 tadi baru makan.  Perghhhh selang 1 jam kemudian, mmg rasa mcm di awang awangan la... mata terkelip kelip, lutut dah tak rasa ni ha. Ni pulak ada lagi 1 jam nak lunch break, camno nak titun ni.

Tadi pegi toilet pon jalan senget, isssykk macam orang mabok todi pon ado heheheeee

Dugaan dunia, kita redha je lah iye. Omputih kata it will not rain forever kan.

Enjoy your day peeps, don't forget to take your vit C ye

Che Lynn

Monday, 3 September 2012

Raya dalam kedemaman

wahahoooooiii you alls,

Raya lagi ke? raya lerrr kata sebulan kansss...I tak puas raya lagi nih, seems that raya this time around macam ada something missing la. I guess sebab i tak berapa sihat kot dari 2 days before raya ari tu.

Anyway, last weekend patutnya pegi rumah kawan kat putrajaya, tak pegi gak sebab domam lagi..nak pegi tengok merdeka parade kat Dataran Merdeka..pon tak dpt pegi jugak, domam...nengok kat rumah je la, sib baik TV besar skit tp tak sama la happening nye tu...

Since dah janji dengan mama nak pegi raya rumah maklong hari Ahad, demam demam pon ku gagahi jua la...sebab maklong janji nak masak kuey teow, maklong masak sedaaap!

So budak budak gunduts 2 orang tu mestila di bawa sama, daddy je tinggal rumah :)

Duit kecik untuk tol, checked
Handbag - checked
Gula gula batuk - checked
Anak no 1 - checked 
Anak no 2 dgn toy dia - checked

Alamak, gambar mama lupa nak ambik tapi orang dia i tak lupa :) - checked

OK you alls off we go... pelan pelan kayuh ye, driver ting tong

Dekat rumah maklong 

Raya ni bukan untuk budak budak kutip duit raya je tau, ni la time kita ziarah menziarahi alang alang kat rumah tu dah ada kuih raya kan senang la nak entertain tetamu yg datang. I dah melawat Maklong, Maklang, Makti, Maksu I, you all dah gi beraya rumah sedara?