Friday, 21 December 2012

Jovian Mandagie Annual Sale

Have you ladies heard the news??? Jovian Mandagie Annual Sale starting from 22 Dec 2012 until 5 Jan 2013 aka TODAY. Wohooo!! how cool can this be, he promised the best deal ever like bridal dresses (I am happily married for 16 years already, so I passed this one), couture dresses, kebayas and kurungs from 30% - 70% discount.  This is CRAZY!!!! So ladies, mark your calendar and get your cash and cards ready.

The sale will take place at 124, Jalan Maarof Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.  For inquiries, you can contact 03 209 35124.

Jom, serang!!!!

C u there ladies. Tata
-Che Lynn

Monday, 3 December 2012

My Best Friends Forever

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
― Elbert Hubbard

Allow me to introduce you to my BFF with our usual gedik pose

Yes, true indeed.  I know that it is not easy to be my friend, I can be loud, cranky, bitchy, busy, busy and busy where most of the times they have to accommodate to my time rather than theirs.  Yet my Gossip Girls still stick to my side during my thick and thin.  

We have known each other for more than 20 years and they have been a big part of my life.  Our relationship is quiet unique, I would say.  At one time, we have not seen each other for few years, everyone were so busy adjusting to our new life - being a wife, mother and career, but when we see each other, it was like the old days when we used to hang out every single day, no awkward moment at all.

I  like how wikipedia describe the value of friendship.

The value of friendship may be expressed as the benefit gained from a friend who is consistently demonstrating any of the following:
  • The tendency to desire what is best for the other
  • Sympathy and empathy
  • Honesty, even in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth
  • Mutual understanding and compassion; ability to go to each other for emotional support
  • Enjoyment of each other's company
  • Trust in one another
  • Positively strong, deep, close reciprocity, mutuality—equal give-and-take between the two parties
  • The ability to be oneself, express one's feelings and make mistakes without fear of judgement
...and they accepted you just the way you are, even a bit cuckoo like this Hantu Mak Limah wannabe

Yup, that's what we have all these years.  To my Gossip Girls, you know who you are, Thank You for being a big part of my life and putting up with my songels and cekadaks. I love you guys! (sebab aku dah puji ni nanti korang belanjer aku macadamia cheese cake caramel sundae kat Ben's)


As William Shakespeare put it “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”

-Che Lynn

Sunday, 2 December 2012

DPMM Gala Dinner 2012

Majlis Makan Malam Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia tahun ini diadakan di Renaissance Hotel, jadi who's who ramailah malam itu.  Paling excited adalah, sudah semestinya dengan kehadiran YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir.  Kalau dah Tun yang attend, traffic jam ke hujan lebat ke bukan menjadi masalah.

Bila nak makan ni kak??? 
Sabar dik, kita posing dulu...

Senyum kawan kawan, sungguhpun perut kita dah main lagu jazz

Posing gedik jom

KLCC and The Mall?? LOL :p

Tak sempat nak ambil gambar Tun atau penerima anugerah spt MD Boh Plantation, AIMST founder Datuk Seri Samy Vellu dan ramai lagilah. Paling best, ucapan Tun which 1 of the key thing dia sampaikan yang kita kena ambil peduli adalah orang Malaysia take it for granted kestabilan negara baik politik mahupun natural disaster. Betul juga tu, kalau dikirakan di Malaysia ni almost free from natural disasterlah, mana pernah earthquake, taufan, puting beliung ke unlike the other countries surrounds us. Bak kata Nabil, lu pikirlah sendiri!

Till then peeps.

-Che Lynn