Thursday, 30 August 2012


Hola peeps!!

Hari ni dah 30hb Ogos 2012, esok 31hb Ogos 2012. Genaplah 55 tahun kita merdeka!merdeka!merdeka!

Dah gantung Jalur Gemilang dekat office, rumah, kereta?? gantung jgn tak gantung, pegi beli cepat, kat kedai $2 tu melambak lambak. Bila lagi nak gantung kan.

Anyway, selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan Malaysia! I am proud to be Malaysian!!

Esok jom kita pergi Dataran Merdeka, tgk parade. Mesti happening giles!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Encik Jovian Mandagie!!Jalissa I dah sampai!

Hi alls!

Isssykkk lupa nak update, hari isnin hari tu, Jalissa dah sampai. Alhamdulillah, Abang GDex yang tolong hantarkan terus ke pintu bilik.

Kalau nak tgk camana rupanya i menggayakan Jalissa, tunggu besok. Esok ada open house company, so cikonon nak tayang Jalissa i la...

Adakah sama seperti digayakan oleh model yang shantek ini..

Apa apa pun, tunggu kemunculan Che Lynn esok :p muahahaahahahahaaaa

-Che Lynn yg sengal terlebih makan samprit

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Kathy mogok nak raya lagi

Hi alls,

dah start kerja ke? I dah kerja dah hari ni. Pagi pagi dah bangun ni, semangat nak mulakan hari bekerja setelah 1 minggu beraya sakan. 

Rupanya kita je yang sibok nak keje, si Kathy pagi pagi dah buat hal, tak nak start.  Alamatnya habis la bapak, pakcik, jiran sume datang tolong. Batteri weak la...2 hari tak start kereta. Isykk Kathy Kathy...nak kene rotan nih, tak pasal pasal akak lambat pegi keje ari ni.

Moral of the story, selalulah check air bateri kete tu ha, kalau tak bawak pon kasi start la itu enjin. Pakai pandai, kene jugak pandai jaga kereta :)

Jgn naughty naughty Kathy, be good ok. Sian ngan akak!

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Raya must DO activity

Raya raya rayaaa.... how's your raya so far? Mine, happening la as usual. Basuh basuh pinggan, kemas kemas rumah, sapu sapu..basuh basuh pinggan lagi dan lagi dan lagi...heheheeee penat tapi happening hokeh, iyelah bila lagi nak rasa mcm ni kalau tak setahun sekali kan...

Another activity selain dari terima tetamu datang, our must DO activity is jalan jalan ke Port Dickson. Port Dickson? yes Port Dickson. Saudara mara sebelah my father ramai dekat PD, so selain dari nak bermandi manda, tujuan utama adalah menziarah saudara.  So we spent 2 nights dekat PD, also, as usual.

PD sekarang happening you all! siap ada PD Waterfront lagi. Macam macam ada..Domino Pizza, Mc Donald, perghhh makan pizza tepi pantai you all, angin sepoi sepoi bahasa lagi teman you makan.

Ni kalau malam, harus macam Icity Shah Alam

Ni dia orang Kay Ell, raya orang makan ketupat & rendang yumm yumm dia sibok nak makan pizza...layan je la

see ya peeps! makan ketupat rendang lemang segala tu, jgn lupa baca doa makan ye :)

-Che Lynn yang masih sibok beraya

Thursday, 23 August 2012


Selamat Hari Raya you alls!!

Ada gambar tp tak reti nak upload through mobile...well you can't expect much fm a dino la :)

Gambar gediks di pagi aidilfitri, eh cewah!!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Where is my Jalissa?

I am waiting...eagerly waiting....

Adoi, where is my Jalissa la Encik? my office is right in the centre of KL tau. What keep you soo long to reach here. So not cool la

Tapping tapping tapping my fingers...still not here

I thought I saw someone outside the room...
Nope, not them! sighhh.....

What is I am waiting for, you asked? Ni ha la, my Jalissa by Jovian Mandagie. Cantik tak?

Yesterday kan demam, so just managed to shop online at Zalora je instead of going to Shangri La. Isssykkk waiting is NO fun la

takpe I setia menanti, you all pls enjoy your day ye.

-Che Lynn

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Its THE Day!! JOVIAN MANDAGIE Boxing Day!!

Hola peeps!

JBoxing Day is TODAY, and I am having a fever, yes I am demam since last night :(

There goes my big plan, I plan to be at Shangri La at 7 ish and do my speciality i.e speed shopping and back to office before 9 am. Unfortunately, due to the unforeseen circumstances i.e the condition of my body, looks like my big plan is going to be just another plan. No rezeki to have Jovian's this raya. Anyway, enough about me.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish all JM fans at Shangri La today, HAPPY SHOPPING!! As I believed that JM and his team has done all they could to ensure you ladies have a good shopping experience today and now its your turn to do your part ya.
1. Please be berbanyak banyak sabar, orang definately ramai today so mungkin ada sikit sikit terlanggar bahu ke, so sabar ok. 
2. Don't potong que, releks la, biar lambat asal selamat
3. Don't tolak tolak, ada banyak collection awaits you. Nanti tolak tolak ada yang jatuh ke apa ke, tak best aaahh
4. Don't marah marah. Puasa kan? tak baik marah marah

YANG PENTING, YOU DAPAT YOUR JOVIAN PIECES TODAY :) So bende bende kecik tu, abaikan je ok

I really hope that you ladies have a good shopping. Can someone be kind enough to snap some photos and update in JM fanpage ke? I nak tengookk!!!

OK later later gorgeous, I am taking my rest now, I have my bantal and shawl. BTW if you are wondering where I am now. I am currently at my office. Yes, Fever and Office doesn't jive, but what to do, this is one need to do in the name of duty.

All the best Jovian, I am very sure your JBoxing day is going to be a boom boom kedabooom event!!

Che Lynn yg demam

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Hola peeps!

Jeng jeng jeng....its finally here woot woott!! are you ready ladies? I AM READY, one for sure for JM BOXING DAY woohooo!!! 

As i've shared with you guys earlier, Jovian Mandagie Boxing Day will be held at Royal Selangor Room, Shangri La Hotel, KL on 16th August 2012 aka TOMORROW from 8 am to 7 pm.  

Lai lai lai, sila tengok the collections made avail for us tomorrow. Kalau tak nampak, you can go to or tengok je at his facebook fan page 

As all the gorgeous ladies will be coming from all over Malaysia and Singapore, ni ha, siap ada write up on how to purchase. JM really plan it well to ensure that everything will runs smoothly tomorrow, insya allah. Well done!! as my orang kampung, pakcik Winston Churchill said that "He who fails to plan is planning to fail".  I am going to hafal it and plan my strategy tomorrow. My plan is to grab as much as possible baju baju chanteks Jovian Mandagie. muahahahaahaha

See, got order form some more. So you should know what to do ok, fill it up.

To kawan kawan in Brunei, not to worry. You can grab lovely pieces by Jovian Mandagie at BAJOO Boutique. Orders can be made starting from 12 noon until 11 pm TODAY!! So crying no more, and move it, NOW!!

Breath in...breath out...sabar sabar, its only tomorrow. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my fellow JM lover, HAPPY JM BOXING DAY!! may the best women win but no pushing pushing tomorrow ok. 

Kita jumpa di sanaaa!!

Che Lynn yang nervous!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

To Nenek With Love

Macam biasa kalau bulan ramadhan, mesti ziarah kubur arwah nenek, atuk dan adik I.  Semalam pegi ziarah kubur diorang as usual la. Bila time time mcm ni mulalah sayu..rindu kat nenek. Last week baru borak dengan my cousin pasal nenek. My maternal grandmother, I panggil Nenek Kampung, sebab dia tinggal dekat kampung, well tak lah kampung sgt pon sebenarnya dekat Selangor je.  Nenek Kampung orang dia sangat penyabar dan penyayang. Sanggup naik bas bawak cempedak dengan durian pegi ke KL untuk bagi dekat anak anak. Ada one time tu dia datang, I terkezut, nenek bawak naik bas durian ni?? orang tak marah ke, bau la nek satu bas tu? Selamba je dia jawab, Nenek masuk dlm tupperware kan, bungkus dgn suratkhabar pulak, mana bau.

Nenek memang jenis cool, relek je layan hal cucu dia, bukan 1 atau 2 orang ok, 30 lebih orang and I lost count since. Bila I balik rumah dia, nanti mesti dia sibok masak my fav food, ayam masak lemak kemumur...hmmm sedap, tak de sapa boleh masak mcm nenek. Lepas tu dia mesti pergi cari satu kuih fav i ni, cakar ayam. Entah mana dia dapat, tapi the best in the world eh.

Lagi satu, nenek ni ramai kawan, habis satu kampong tu la kenal dia. Kalau pegi surau ke, pegi kedai ke, orang tanya ko sapa? i pon jawab la, saya cucu Timah.  Oooh Timah Maulud tu ye...mesti punye la diorang ckp mcm tu. Maulud tu nama Datuk I, dia pergi dulu dari nenek. Lepas sesi tanya tanya, nanti mesti la dpt habuan dari diorang tu. Nenek memang popular lah satu kampung.

Dulu masa I kahwin, Nenek sibuk sangat suruh buat dekat rumah dia, almaklum cucu sulung kan. Nasib baik diikutkan je, kalau tak, mesti menyesal tak sudah. Sebab itu lah majlis perkahwinan anak cucu dia yang terakhir sekali dia raikan.  Mmg kecoh giler majlis tu, entah sapa sapa je yang datang tolong. Semua tu kawan kawan nenek.

Ingat lagi, nenek meninggal masa dalam lebih kurang 1 bulan lepas dia balik dari Mekah. Dia siap beli kain tutup keranda jenazah tu dekat sana, bagi kat surau. Kata dia, biar diorang dpt rasa pakai yang baru, beli dekat Mekah lagi. Itu lah nenek, selalu ingat orang lain.

Masa nenek meninggal, lepas dimandikan muka dia macam tengah tersenyum simpul. Dia orang baik baik, tak suka cerita hal orang, dia jaga family dia baik baik, semua saudara mara jauh dekat lah habis dia ziarah, kalau dengar orang sakit ke, orang susah ke, dia yang sibuk sibuk. Masa nak kebumi, punyelah ramai orang datang ziarah nenek, kawan kawan, sedara mara dia, orang kampung semua ada. Semua terkejut nenek meninggal, sebab dia sihat sihat je. Masuk hospital pon sebab demam, alih alih dr kata dah tak ada harapan. Petang tu dia pergi, tak sempat nak jumpa nenek for the last time.  Few months after nenek meninggal, I ada mimpi Nenek, dia tak cakap apa tapi dia pegang pipi I, sejuk giler rasa kebas pipi bila nenek pegang. 

I miss you so much Nenek! 

Thursday, 9 August 2012


Hola peeps!!

Just want to share with you guys a very special thing that make my life a bit chaotic, makan tak kenyang, mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena....

He took Klang Valley like ribut taufan by having his label available in First Lady boutiques. Gila, his designs were worn by who's who in Malaysia and now its available in First Lady??? you must be joking.  Eh wait wait, not only Klang Valley, its up from North to South Peninsular, East Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore!! everybody talking about this. Yes baby, DEMAM JOVIAN MANDAGIE!! no no no not just normal demam, its DEMAM PANAS super critical when he announced JM Boxing Day.  

Gosh!! this talented designer, I must say this Malaysian SuperFashion Designer really outdid it la, he did it with style. For someone who could just get his design sold with easily ribu ribu Ringgit Malaysia yet he have the heart to make his exquisite designs affordable for this coming Hari Raya. 

Nah tengok my pick for JM ready wear :
Jemima super gorgeous

Jemima in mint rasanya, errgg pengsan

Jaida, cantik kan


Jehanna, so classy

Gila la, all so shanteks shanteks and the price is affordable. I missed to grab one at First Lady and Zalora, and really excited when he announced JM Boxing Day at Shangri La 16 August fm 8 am to 7 pm.  Really really excited, how excited..?? I thought yesterday (9 August) was 16 August.  Since we're going to have our Special Management Meeting, that there is no way I can sneak out to Shangri La. Quite disspointed, even send pm to JM, only to now that I am super early..maluuuuu

mmg drama la that day.

JM seriously did it with a big bang la, siap charter bas for those coming from JB and Singapore, crazzyyy!! in  uhukk uhukk uhuukk 37 years of my life, this is the only designer that despite his right to be  super diva yet being so humble and all he cared about is his supporting fan. How not to love this man la!!

Jovian Mandagie, you may think its a small gesture to appreciate your fans out there, but believe me, it meant more than that to us, you have now won so many hearts not only in Malaysia but Singapore and Brunei. I am proud  to have a fellow Malaysian like you!!

To others, don't forget to mark you calendar, 16 August 2012, 8 am to 7 pm, Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur! rugi kalau tak datang.

ok back to practise..boss, saya lewat sikit ada hal penting...boss, saya lewat sikit ada hal penting...boss, saya lewat sikit nak pegi JM boxing day oppsss

Che Lynn

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

What I've been up to lately - Part # errr lost count already

OMG! I am so busy lately, with work, study, business and I must admit the family department has been a bit neglected. Sian baby baby i, mummy sibok.  I now what is my next year reso, well i can actuallly start now pun boleh, is to manage my time well.  Yes, i need to learn time management.  I am suck at it, I must admit.

This bende, which have my tears, blood, sweat, family lost time, everything lah, is currently my priority - my MBA thesis.

I have to work harder and faster now, its almost finish.

What's next? PHD perhaps? errrrr insya allah but before that let me finish this one first, before i become permanently juling

later later peeps!
-Che Lynn